Grade 1/2
1/2 Unit
Keep up to date with all the latest news and events in the Grade 1/2 unit.
More information coming soon.
Bethal PS Biodiversity Learning Story
In 2020 and 2021, we at Bethal Primary School have been focussing on completing the biodiversity module for ResourceSmart Schools and have been working...
Local Biodiversity
This term, students across the school have been learning about sustainability and ways we can help protect and regenerate our environment, both on a local and...
The Connies
Last Thursday, students participated in a free sustainability incursion run by 'The Connies'. Students were treated to a presentation by Roberto, a tram...
ResourceSmart Schools Update
Bethal Primary School is very excited to announce that we have achieved our FIRST STAR for our Core Module as part of our involvement in the ResourceSmart...
Clean Up Australia Day
Clean Up Australia Day On Friday, Bethal Primary School students participated in Clean Up Australia Day for schools. All students worked together after lunch...
National Nutrition Month
National Nutrition Month March is National Nutrition Month. To celebrate, all classes are participating in a school wide Healthy Eating challenge. Each class...
Outdoor Sensory and Tranquillity Garden
Last Friday, 15 Grade 5/6 students worked with Ms Micallef, Ms Walsh and Melissa from Hume City Council to plant the school’s new Outdoor Sensory and...
Some exciting news!
Bethal Primary School is excited to announce that the students and teachers will be designing and planting an Outdoor Sensory and Tranquillity Garden in May...
Welcome to the Bethal Primary School Sustainability page!
In 2020, Bethal Primary School has made a commitment to a sustainable future by becoming a ResourceSmart School. ResourceSmart Schools is a free program...