Dear families,
Welcome back to a new academic year! We hope that this year can provide some stability for our community and ensure that our students are in the best possible environment to support their personal and academic wellbeing.
All students (Foundation to Year 6) are to return to school this Monday 31st January. Please note the key information below:
- Gates will open at 8.45am. No students to be onsite before this time.
- Parents can enter the school grounds for drop off and pick up but must leave after drop off.
- Parents cannot enter the building unless via the Office and have checked in.
- Students will enter the school at 8.45am and go to their respective unit straight away (Foundation, Year 1/2, Year 3/4 and Year 5/6)
- Classroom teachers will identify students in their class and mark the rolls
- The SMS non-attendance message will resume from Tuesday 1st February
The canteen is open from Monday. Students will need to present their orders/payment when in the classroom, as per Term 4 last year. Further changes will be communicated via Compass.
Over the coming days, there will be further communication regarding RATs, uniform etc. Foundation parents will also receive further communication regarding Student Assessments due to take place each Wednesday for the next 4 weeks.
Please keep an eye out on Compass, the BPS website and the Facebook page @BethalPrimarySchool for future correspondence.
We look forward to seeing you all again this year.