Well done to all the Bethal students who participated in today's Broadmeadows District Cross Country.A big congratulations to the following students who qualified in the fastest top 10 to advance to the next round in May:Archer AliSukriJahzalleTanya
Grades 5/6 students and teachers had a fantastic time at Doxa Camp!
Photo 1: Grade 5/6 girls singing and playing "Long legged sailor" Photo 2: Grade 3/4 singing and playing "Button you must wander" game Photo 3: Grade 3/4 singing and playing "Here comes a blue bird"
Bethal Primary School has kicked off 2023 with another successful participation in the Broadmeadows East Interschool Sport Division. Grade 5/6 students participated every Friday against other local schools in the 4 sports of Volleyball, Cricket, Tee Ball and...
Yesterday we held our House Colours launch. It was lovely to see so many of our students dress up in their house colours and show pride in their houses! A major part of our whole school rewards program is giving out House Points to students who are demonstrating our...
At Bethal we have a Buddy Program. Grade 5/6 Buddies are carefully chosen for each Foundation child. Each Foundation student will have a buddy for the year. For the first few weeks of school, the buddies help at playtime and lunchtime. On occasions throughout...
The weather outside might not be worth celebrating right now but in preparation for Summer, Bethal PS is celebrating 27 years as a SunSmart school. Our updated policy is on our 'Policies' page or find here: Bethal PS Sunsmart Policy 2022 As part of our commitment...
Dear families, On Thursday 23rd June, we are excited to open up the school for our Parent-Student-Teacher conferences. This will be a student-free day that runs from 10am to 6pm. During your appointment, please bring your child and the school report (released on...
Year 5/6 went to Werribee Open Range Zoo yesterday as part of their inquiry topic. The students and staff had a fantastic day and the weather was wonderful!
We continue celebrating Harmony Week with the help of Banksia Gardens!
On Friday 18 March 2022, Bethal participated in the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA). The NDA is Australia’s key bullying prevention initiative, connecting schools and communities to find workable solutions to prevent bullying.
We started our Harmony Week Celebrations today with a wonderful assembly with amazing performances. Well done, to all the students and teachers who performed or presented!
On Monday the 28th of February the 5/6 leaders went on an excursion to the Dream and Lead Conference. We all found the excursion extremely enjoyable and were inspired to put some of what we learnt into action at Bethal Primary School. The 5/6s got there by train and a...
Congratulations to all these students for their English Language Achievements in 2021!
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PO Box 2048,
Roxburgh Park, 3064